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45:00 +0:09 Half time

Half Time The ref blows to end the first period.


Corner taken right-footed by Frank Lampard to the near post, Cristian Tanase manages to make a clearance.


Fernando Torres takes a shot. Save by Ciprian Tatarusanu.


Free kick awarded for a foul by Cristian Tanase on Mikel. David Luiz restarts play with the free kick.


Cristian Tanase has an effort at goal from outside the penalty box missing to the wide right of the target.


Yossi Benayoun takes a shot. Fantastic save by Ciprian Tatarusanu. Inswinging corner taken right-footed by Frank Lampard from the left by-line, Fernando Torres produces a header from deep inside the six-yard box that clears the bar.

33:48 Goal scored

Goal - Raul Rusescu - S Buchar't 1 - 0 Chelsea Placed penalty scored by Raul Rusescu. Steaua Bucuresti 1-0 Chelsea.

33:00 Booking

Booking Ryan Bertrand goes into the book for unsporting behaviour.


Penalty awarded for an unfair challenge on Raul Rusescu by Ryan Bertrand.


Corner taken by Frank Lampard played to the near post, clearance made by Raul Rusescu.


The referee gives a free kick against Ryan Bertrand for handball. Adrian Popa takes the free kick.


Foul by Cristian Tanase on Branislav Ivanovic, free kick awarded. Free kick taken by David Luiz.


Unfair challenge on Ryan Bertrand by Adrian Popa results in a free kick. David Luiz takes the free kick.


Inswinging corner taken from the left by-line by Frank Lampard, Branislav Ivanovic has a headed effort at goal from close in which goes wide right of the target.


Iasmin Latovlevici concedes a free kick for a foul on Fernando Torres. Free kick crossed right-footed by Frank Lampard from right wing, Lukas Szukala manages to make a clearance.


Foul by Adrian Popa on David Luiz, free kick awarded. Frank Lampard delivers the ball from the free kick right-footed from left channel.


Outswinging corner taken by Alexandru Bourceanu from the left by-line.


Unfair challenge on Raul Rusescu by David Luiz results in a free kick. Alexandru Bourceanu takes the free kick.


Adrian Popa concedes a free kick for a foul on Ryan Bertrand. Ryan Bertrand takes the free kick.


Alexandru Bourceanu takes a outswinging corner from the right by-line to the near post, clearance made by Ryan Bertrand.


Right-footed shot by Alexandru Chipciu missed to the left of the target.


Alexandru Bourceanu takes the inswinging corner, clearance by Frank Lampard.


The referee gets the game started.

Live text and data provided by The Press Association

Chelsea interim boss Rafael Benitez will play a "competitive" team against Steaua Bucharest in their Europa League last-16 first leg match on Thursday.

The Blues are in FA Cup quarter-final action on Sunday, while they are also battling for a top-four finish in the Premier League.

As a result Benitez may be tempted to make changes, but he says Chelsea are determined to progress in Europe.

"We will put a very competitive team out," he said.

Chelsea's tough task

Steaua Bucharest have lost only five of their previous 20 European home games. In contrast, Chelsea have managed just four wins in their last 12 away ties in Europe.

"We have a good group of players, we have to manage them because we have a lot of games, but we want to progress in every competition.

"The players know it's another trophy to compete for, they are very professional and want to win."

Demba Ba is ineligible for the Romania trip, having played for Newcastle in the competition earlier in the season, while Victor Moses has not travelled, so Fernando Torres is set to start in attack.

Chelsea failed to defend their Champions League title, having been knocked out in the first round of the competition in December.

But defender David Luiz says he and the rest of the Chelsea players are still hungry for European success.

"It's a great opportunity to win another European title," said the Brazilian.

"I have the hunger and the team have the hunger.

"Big clubs need to win titles and big games, all the players play together and we have a great family at Chelsea."

Steaua have almost a full squad available, with just forward Stefan Nikolic (knee) ruled out.