Sunday, 17 February 2013

Arsenal 0 - 1 Blackburn FT - BBC News


Olivier Giroud handles the ball and concedes a free kick. Jake Kean takes the free kick.


Theo Walcott fouled by Morten Gamst Pedersen, the ref awards a free kick. Direct free kick taken by Jack Wilshere.


Corner taken right-footed by Santi Cazorla, Header on goal by Olivier Giroud from inside the box goes harmlessly over the target.


Assist on the goal came from Martin Olsson.

71:10 Goal scored

Goal - Colin Kazim-Richards - Arsenal 0 - 1 Blackburn Colin Kazim-Richards grabs a goal from deep inside the penalty box low into the middle of the goal. Arsenal 0-1 Blackburn.


Martin Olsson takes a shot. Save by Wojciech Szczesny.

69:47 Substitution

Substitution Santi Cazorla replaces Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain.

69:47 Substitution

Substitution Yao Gervinho leaves the field to be replaced by Theo Walcott.

69:47 Substitution

Substitution Jack Wilshere comes on in place of Tomas Rosicky.


Shot by Vassiriki Diaby from 25 yards. Save by Jake Kean.


Yao Gervinho takes a shot. Blocked by Bradley Orr. Outswinging corner taken right-footed by Mikel Arteta played to the near post, clearance made by Morten Gamst Pedersen.


Shot by Tomas Rosicky.


Tomas Rosicky has a shot on goal from outside the area which misses left.

62:35 Substitution

Substitution (Blackburn) makes a substitution, with David Bentley coming on for Markus Olsson.


Shot from inside the area by Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain clears the bar.


Corner taken by Tomas Rosicky from the left by-line played to the near post, clearance made by Morten Gamst Pedersen. Header from deep inside the area by Vassiriki Diaby goes harmlessly over the crossbar.


Vassiriki Diaby produces a right-footed shot from long range which goes wide right of the target.


Mikel Arteta gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Jordan Rhodes. Free kick taken by Scott Dann.


Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain takes a shot. Blocked by Bradley Orr.


Thomas Vermaelen gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Martin Olsson. Jake Kean takes the free kick.


Corner from the left by-line taken by Morten Gamst Pedersen, Thomas Vermaelen manages to make a clearance.


Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Thomas Vermaelen by Jordan Rhodes. Thomas Vermaelen restarts play with the free kick.


Outswinging corner taken right-footed by Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Olivier Giroud takes a shot. Jake Kean makes a comfortable save.


Inswinging corner taken by Morten Gamst Pedersen, Jason Lowe takes a shot. Mikel Arteta makes a clearance.


The referee gets the second half underway.

45:00 +1:05 Half time

Half Time The ref blows to signal half-time.


Jason Lowe gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Olivier Giroud. Shot on goal comes in from Mikel Arteta from the free kick, save made by Jake Kean.


Effort from the edge of the area by Yao Gervinho goes wide of the left-hand upright.


Yao Gervinho produces a right-footed shot from outside the penalty box and misses left.


Shot by Nacho Monreal. Blocked by Bradley Orr. Tomas Rosicky takes the inswinging corner, clearance made by Lee Williamson.


Lee Williamson is penalised for handball and concedes a free kick. Mikel Arteta takes the direct free kick.


Inswinging corner taken right-footed by Tomas Rosicky, clearance by Bradley Orr. Inswinging corner taken from the left by-line by Tomas Rosicky, clearance by Bradley Orr. Bradley Orr fouled by Thomas Vermaelen, the ref awards a free kick. Jake Kean takes the free kick.


Free kick awarded for a foul by Mikel Arteta on Jordan Rhodes. Morten Gamst Pedersen delivers the ball, Headed effort from inside the area by Scott Dann misses to the left of the target.


Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain has an effort at goal from outside the area missing to the wide left of the goal.


Inswinging corner taken from the left by-line by Tomas Rosicky, Vassiriki Diaby takes a shot. Comfortable save by Jake Kean. Outswinging corner taken by Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, clearance made by Martin Olsson.


Corner taken right-footed by Tomas Rosicky from the left by-line, save made by Jake Kean.


Vassiriki Diaby takes the chance to get an effort at goal. Bradley Orr gets a block in.


Colin Kazim-Richards concedes a free kick for a foul on Francis Coquelin. Free kick taken by Francis Coquelin.


Corner taken by Tomas Rosicky from the left by-line, comfortable save by Jake Kean.


Mikel Arteta handles the ball and concedes a free kick. Jake Kean takes the direct free kick.


Corner taken by Tomas Rosicky, Bradley Orr manages to make a clearance.


Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain takes a outswinging corner to the near post, Morten Gamst Pedersen makes a clearance.


Lee Williamson gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Vassiriki Diaby. Direct free kick taken by Mikel Arteta.


Outswinging corner taken right-footed by Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Close range header by Laurent Koscielny goes wide of the left-hand post.


Tomas Rosicky takes the inswinging corner, clearance by Scott Dann. Outswinging corner taken by Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain from the right by-line played to the near post, clearance made by Jordan Rhodes.


Thomas Vermaelen takes the direct free kick.

10:08 Booking

Booking The referee books Bradley Orr for unsporting behaviour.


Bradley Orr gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Yao Gervinho.


The referee penalises Bradley Orr for handball. The free kick is swung in right-footed by Mikel Arteta.


Markus Olsson has an effort at goal from deep inside the area missing to the right of the goal.


Martin Olsson fouled by Francis Coquelin, the ref awards a free kick. Morten Gamst Pedersen restarts play with the free kick.


Markus Olsson is flagged offside by the assistant referee. Free kick taken by Wojciech Szczesny.


The game kicks-off.

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