Substitution Garath McCleary is brought on as a substitute for Jimmy Kebe.
71:42 BookingBooking The referee cautions Jack Wilshere for unsporting behaviour.
71:26Foul by Jack Wilshere on Kaspars Gorkss, free kick awarded.
70:19Assist by Hal Robson-Kanu.
70:19 Goal scoredGoal - Jimmy Kebe - Reading 2 - 4 Arsenal Jimmy Kebe grabs a goal from inside the area to the bottom left corner of the goal. Reading 2-4 Arsenal.
68:52Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Mikel Arteta by Jay Tabb. Direct free kick taken by Bacary Sagna.
67:50Jobi McAnuff challenges Santi Cazorla unfairly and gives away a free kick. Free kick taken by Mikel Arteta.
66:36Adam Le Fondre concedes a free kick for a foul on Per Mertesacker. Per Mertesacker takes the direct free kick.
65:25Assist by Jay Tabb.
65:25 Goal scoredGoal - Adam Le Fondre - Reading 1 - 4 Arsenal Goal scored by Adam Le Fondre from close range to the bottom right corner of the goal. Reading 1-4 Arsenal.
64:52The ball is crossed by Hal Robson-Kanu.
63:11Theo Walcott has an effort at goal from 18 yards. Save by Adam Federici.
61:28Theo Walcott takes a shot. Blocked by Adrian Mariappa.
61:02 SubstitutionSubstitution Adam Le Fondre on for Pavel Pogrebnyak.
60:27 SubstitutionSubstitution (Reading) makes a substitution, with Hal Robson-Kanu coming on for Noel Hunt.
59:24Lukas Podolski provided the assist for the goal.
59:24 Goal scoredGoal - Santi Cazorla - Reading 0 - 4 Arsenal Goal scored by Santi Cazorla from inside the six-yard box to the bottom right corner of the goal. Reading 0-4 Arsenal.
58:42Theo Walcott takes a short corner.
58:09Corner taken right-footed by Theo Walcott, Per Mertesacker takes a shot. Blocked by Kaspars Gorkss.
57:53The ball is swung over by Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, blocked by Kaspars Gorkss.
55:55Theo Walcott produces a right-footed shot from just outside the box that misses to the right of the target.
54:36Pavel Pogrebnyak is caught offside. Wojciech Szczesny restarts play with the free kick.
51:38The ball is sent over by Jobi McAnuff, Wojciech Szczesny makes a comfortable save.
50:48The ball is sent over by Theo Walcott.
47:55Jimmy Kebe produces a cross.
46:29Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Jimmy Kebe by Kieran Gibbs. Direct free kick taken by Adrian Mariappa.
45:45Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain has shot on goal from just outside the penalty box which goes wide of the right-hand upright.
45:01The second half kicks off.
45:00 +1:08 Half timeHalf Time The ref blows to signal half-time.
43:35The ball is swung over by Bacary Sagna, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain takes a shot. Save by Adam Federici.
42:04Kieran Gibbs crosses the ball, Mikele Leigertwood makes a clearance.
41:00Shot by Lukas Podolski. Shaun Cummings gets a block in.
39:59Corner taken by Theo Walcott, clearance made by Mikele Leigertwood.
39:45A cross is delivered by Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, blocked by Nicky Shorey.
38:21Free kick taken by Mikel Arteta.
37:52Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Jack Wilshere by Jobi McAnuff.
38:21Mikel Arteta restarts play with the free kick.
38:21 BookingBooking Jobi McAnuff booked for unsporting behaviour.
37:52Jobi McAnuff concedes a free kick for a foul on Jack Wilshere.
37:14The referee blows for offside. Free kick taken by Wojciech Szczesny.
36:43Free kick awarded for a foul by Mikel Arteta on Pavel Pogrebnyak. Adrian Mariappa takes the free kick.
35:52The assistant referee flags for offside against Theo Walcott. Adam Federici restarts play with the free kick.
33:58The assist for the goal came from Kieran Gibbs.
33:58 Goal scoredGoal - Santi Cazorla - Reading 0 - 3 Arsenal Santi Cazorla gets on the score sheet with a goal from inside the area to the bottom left corner of the goal. Reading 0-3 Arsenal.
32:38The ball is crossed by Jobi McAnuff, clearance made by Thomas Vermaelen.
31:17Lukas Podolski provided the assist for the goal.
31:17 Goal scoredGoal - Santi Cazorla - Reading 0 - 2 Arsenal Santi Cazorla finds the back of the net with a headed goal from close range. Reading 0-2 Arsenal.
31:15A cross is delivered by Lukas Podolski,
28:35The ball is delivered by Jobi McAnuff.
28:21Jobi McAnuff takes a inswinging corner.
28:06Jimmy Kebe takes a shot. Per Mertesacker gets a block in.
27:49Centre by Jobi McAnuff.
25:59Shot by Jack Wilshere. Adam Federici makes a save.
26:22Inswinging corner taken right-footed by Theo Walcott played to the near post, Noel Hunt manages to make a clearance.
25:59Kieran Gibbs takes a shot from 12 yards. Save by Adam Federici.
25:46Lukas Podolski crosses the ball, clearance made by Kaspars Gorkss.
25:39Kieran Gibbs takes a shot. Blocked by Kaspars Gorkss.
24:53Outswinging corner taken by Theo Walcott from the right by-line played to the near post, clearance by Noel Hunt.
24:36Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain crosses the ball, Kaspars Gorkss gets a block in.
22:03Inswinging corner taken by Nicky Shorey, Wojciech Szczesny makes a fantastic save.
21:06Inswinging corner taken from the left by-line by Theo Walcott.
20:49Theo Walcott takes a shot. Adam Federici makes a save.
20:07Lukas Podolski produces a left-footed shot from just outside the box that misses to the right of the goal.
19:46Kieran Gibbs takes a shot. Shaun Cummings gets a block in.
18:37The assistant referee flags for offside against Jobi McAnuff. Free kick taken by Wojciech Szczesny.
18:15Jay Tabb takes a shot. Per Mertesacker gets a block in.
17:38Shot from long distance by Santi Cazorla misses to the right of the target.
13:29Assist on the goal came from Kieran Gibbs.
13:29 Goal scoredGoal - Lukas Podolski - Reading 0 - 1 Arsenal Lukas Podolski finds the net with a goal from inside the area to the bottom right corner of the goal. Reading 0-1 Arsenal.
13:26Kieran Gibbs delivers the ball,
11:53The referee blows for offside against Jimmy Kebe. Kieran Gibbs takes the free kick.
10:24Inswinging corner taken by Nicky Shorey, Noel Hunt has a headed effort at goal from close range which goes wide of the left-hand upright.
10:10A cross is delivered by Pavel Pogrebnyak, blocked by Per Mertesacker.
8:00Lukas Podolski takes a shot. Shaun Cummings gets a block in.
7:42Shot by Jobi McAnuff from deep inside the penalty area misses to the right of the goal.
5:26Mikele Leigertwood concedes a free kick for a foul on Jack Wilshere. Theo Walcott fires a strike on goal direct from the free kick.
4:53Corner from left by-line taken by Theo Walcott.
4:37Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain delivers the ball, Shaun Cummings makes a clearance.
1:44Foul by Noel Hunt on Mikel Arteta, free kick awarded. Jack Wilshere takes the free kick.
1:30The official flags Lukas Podolski offside. Free kick taken by Adam Federici.
1:06Effort on goal by Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain from 20 yards. Adam Federici makes a fantastic save.
0:51A cross is delivered by Jimmy Kebe, clearance made by Mikel Arteta.
0:00The ref blows the whistle to start the match.
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