Substitution Aaron Ramsey is brought on as a substitute for Lukas Podolski.
81:02 SubstitutionSubstitution Shola Ameobi comes on in place of Gael Bigirimana.
79:11Papiss Cisse is penalised for a handball. Free kick taken by Wojciech Szczesny.
77:34Gael Bigirimana gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Santi Cazorla. The free kick is swung in left-footed by Jack Wilshere, save by Tim Krul.
76:19The ball is swung over by Danny Simpson, free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Laurent Koscielny by Demba Ba. Direct free kick taken by Wojciech Szczesny.
75:16Corner taken left-footed by Sylvain Marveaux from the left by-line to the near post, clearance made by Olivier Giroud.
75:01The ball is sent over by Kieran Gibbs, save made by Tim Krul.
74:30Gael Bigirimana takes a fantastic shot. Save by Wojciech Szczesny.
73:10 SubstitutionSubstitution Olivier Giroud on for Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain.
72:05Kieran Gibbs provided the assist for the goal.
72:05 Goal scoredGoal - Theo Walcott - Arsenal 4 - 3 Newcastle Theo Walcott gets on the score sheet with a goal from inside the area to the top left corner of the goal. Arsenal 4-3 Newcastle.
69:59Mikel Arteta concedes a free kick for a foul on Demba Ba. Danny Simpson takes the free kick.
68:18Sylvain Marveaux provided the assist for the goal.
68:18 Goal scoredGoal - Demba Ba - Arsenal 3 - 3 Newcastle Goal scored by Demba Ba from inside the six-yard box to the bottom right corner of the goal. Arsenal 3-3 Newcastle.
65:15Corner taken by Jack Wilshere from the right by-line, Close range headed effort by Laurent Koscielny goes wide of the left-hand upright.
63:40Assist by Jack Wilshere.
63:40 Goal scoredGoal - Lukas Podolski - Arsenal 3 - 2 Newcastle Lukas Podolski finds the back of the net with a headed goal from inside the six-yard box. Arsenal 3-2 Newcastle.
60:51Effort from 18 yards by Santi Cazorla. Tim Krul makes a save. Corner taken right-footed by Theo Walcott from the left by-line, Danny Simpson manages to make a clearance.
60:05Cheick Tiote concedes a free kick for a foul on Mikel Arteta. Thomas Vermaelen takes the free kick. Drilled right-footed shot by Santi Cazorla. Blocked by James Perch.
58:36Gabriel Obertan provided the assist for the goal.
58:36 Goal scoredGoal - Sylvain Marveaux - Arsenal 2 - 2 Newcastle Sylvain Marveaux finds the back of the net with a goal from close in to the bottom right corner of the goal. Arsenal 2-2 Newcastle.
56:47Theo Walcott produces a right-footed shot from the edge of the box and misses to the right of the goal.
54:32Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Lukas Podolski by Danny Simpson. Direct free kick taken by Mikel Arteta.
51:13Foul by Demba Ba on Mikel Arteta, free kick awarded. Mikel Arteta takes the direct free kick.
49:59The assist for the goal came from Santi Cazorla.
49:59 Goal scoredGoal - Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain - Arsenal 2 - 1 Newcastle Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain grabs a goal from just outside the area to the bottom left corner of the goal. Arsenal 2-1 Newcastle.
48:23Danny Simpson crosses the ball, clearance made by Thomas Vermaelen.
46:36Kieran Gibbs has an effort at goal from 12 yards. Save by Tim Krul.
45:40Santi Cazorla sends in a cross, save by Tim Krul.
45:01The game restarts for the second half.
45:00 +2:22 Half timeHalf Time The match has reached half-time.
44:58Laurent Koscielny concedes a free kick for a foul on Demba Ba. Direct free kick taken by Demba Ba. Shot by Sylvain Marveaux. Save by Wojciech Szczesny. Corner taken left-footed by Sylvain Marveaux from the left by-line to the near post, clearance made by Kieran Gibbs. Corner taken by Sylvain Marveaux from the left by-line, Demba Ba has a headed effort from close range and clears the bar.
42:58Assist by Gabriel Obertan.
42:58 Goal scoredGoal - Demba Ba - Arsenal 1 - 1 Newcastle Demba Ba hits the back of the net with a goal direct from the free kick from outside the penalty box low into the middle of the goal. Arsenal 1-1 Newcastle.
42:00Bacary Sagna challenges Gabriel Obertan unfairly and gives away a free kick.
39:15Effort on goal by Cheick Tiote from 30 yards. Save by Wojciech Szczesny. Sylvain Marveaux takes a outswinging corner.
38:45The ball is sent over by Danny Simpson, clearance made by Laurent Koscielny.
36:46Theo Walcott takes a shot. Save by Tim Krul.
34:41Centre by Gabriel Obertan, blocked by Laurent Koscielny.
30:43Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain crosses the ball, Davide Santon gets a block in.
30:04The assistant referee signals for offside against Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. Fabricio Coloccini takes the free kick.
28:18Inswinging corner taken left-footed by Sylvain Marveaux from the right by-line, Wojciech Szczesny makes a save.
26:51Inswinging corner taken by Jack Wilshere, Tim Krul makes a save.
26:16Inswinging corner taken by Theo Walcott, clearance made by James Perch.
25:20Mikel Arteta gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Demba Ba. The free kick is delivered right-footed by Cheick Tiote from left channel, save made by Wojciech Szczesny.
24:33Kieran Gibbs delivers the ball.
21:57Free kick awarded for a foul by Mikel Arteta on Demba Ba. Sylvain Marveaux restarts play with the free kick.
21:00Demba Ba takes a shot. Save made by Wojciech Szczesny.
19:36Lukas Podolski provided the assist for the goal.
19:36 Goal scoredGoal - Theo Walcott - Arsenal 1 - 0 Newcastle Goal scored by Theo Walcott from deep inside the penalty area to the bottom right corner of the goal. Arsenal 1-0 Newcastle.
18:14Mikel Arteta challenges Papiss Cisse unfairly and gives away a free kick. Free kick taken by Papiss Cisse.
16:57Effort on goal by Demba Ba from 25 yards. Jack Wilshere gets a block in. The offside flag is raised against Demba Ba. Wojciech Szczesny restarts play with the free kick.
15:40Corner from the right by-line taken by Sylvain Marveaux, Demba Ba has a headed effort from close in and clears the bar.
14:33Bacary Sagna sends in a cross, Davide Santon makes a clearance.
13:35Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Danny Simpson by Lukas Podolski. Sylvain Marveaux crosses the ball in from the free kick, Wojciech Szczesny makes a save.
10:45Laurent Koscielny concedes a free kick for a foul on Demba Ba. Free kick taken by Fabricio Coloccini.
9:31The offside flag is raised against Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. Indirect free kick taken by Fabricio Coloccini.
9:31The assistant referee flags for offside against Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. Free kick taken by Tim Krul.
7:51Cheick Tiote challenges Lukas Podolski unfairly and gives away a free kick. Lukas Podolski takes the free kick.
3:58Centre by Santi Cazorla, save made by Tim Krul.
3:37The ball is sent over by Bacary Sagna, clearance by Fabricio Coloccini.
3:08Free kick awarded for a foul by Cheick Tiote on Jack Wilshere. Direct free kick taken by Mikel Arteta.
2:27Centre by Danny Simpson. James Perch challenges Kieran Gibbs unfairly and gives away a free kick. Direct free kick taken by Mikel Arteta.
0:46Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain produces a right-footed shot from the edge of the box and misses to the left of the target.
0:00The game kicks-off.
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